February 8, 2018

PiHole and OpenHAB

Recently I installed pihole on my network because I was sick of ads, and wanted an added layer of security on my network against nasty malware and the like There are plenty of install guides out there for pihole (see official website) so thats not what I am covering today. I installed this on a raspberry pi 1 (Model B) and it handles everything just fine! Becauase I am a fan of home automation, I wanted all the data that is available in the piHole web interface, avaialable to me at my openHAB interface. Read more

April 19, 2017


I backed Ruuvi sometime late last year for a RuuviTag, a battery powered Bluetooth LE microcontroller with an onboard temperature and humidity sensor. As soon as I saw this project I had several ideas. And because I run openHAB at home, naturally, I’d want to collate this date into here for usage in my home automation system. I finally got it in the mail last week, and what surprised me was that they had teamed up the the guy who made espruino and had him port it to the Ruuvi! Read more

January 5, 2017

C.H.I.P, flic and openhab

So I finally received my C.H.I.P, and over the break I purchased myself some flic bluetooth buttons with the plan of making some nice push buttons around the home to control openhab. This idea mostly came from usablity/speed of use of openhab. Having the dashboard in the middle of the house is a nice idea, but if you are in another room, without your phone there isn’t too much you can do without having to go to this dashboard to interact with openhab. Read more

December 20, 2016


Since the ninjablock company has run out of money, and is not supporting the ninjablock anymore, and its cloud service is pretty unreliable (at the best of times) I decided to merge all my homeautomation items with Openhab. At the time I adopted this, it was the only major, multi-vendor supported Home automation “brain” around. Since then home assistant has come around, and alot of others have picked up support for alot more “things”. Read more