After turning an old Android tablet into a dedicated E-Reader by utilising KOReader, I also turned to Calibre to manage my E-Books. Utilising this Caibre recipe in this gist by oott123 I was able to get Calibre to pull my RSS feed (hosted on my TTRSS raspberry pi) into a ebook, that I could sync with my “reader” and read on the go.
Create a new “news” source
- From the “Fetch News” icon in the main tool bar of Calibre, select the down arrow and click “Add or edit a custom news source”
- Create a new recipe by clicking the “New recipe” button down the bottom left area of the pop up window
- Give it a name and fill out the form to your prefernce, and then switch over to advanced mode
- Copy in the recipe and adjust the variables in the code to point to your TTRSS instance. Once done click save
From here you can add automatic download schedule that Calibre will handle (usefull if you run calibre on a server somewhere) and hit Okay
Sync your device with Calibre and it will bring your feeds in. This works nicely if you fetch it daily, as you will then have a daily news book to read. This recipe also marks the fetched news items as read within TTRSS
#!/usr/bin/env python2
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function
from import BasicNewsRecipe
import json, urllib2, urllib, pprint, re, ssl
class TClient():
def __init__(self, url, username, password, logger, key, test = False):
self.url = "%s/api/" % url
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.log = logger
self.sid = None
self.test = test
self.key = key
def _request(self, op, data = None):
if not op is 'login':
data['sid'] = self.sid
if data is None:
data = {}
data['op'] = op
data_string = json.dumps(data)
json_string = None
req = urllib2.Request(self.url, data_string, {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0'})
res = urllib2.urlopen(req, context=ssl._create_unverified_context())
json_string =
except urllib2.HTTPError,e:
raise e
object = json.loads(json_string)
if 'error' in object:
raise Exception("Tiny Tiny RSS Error: URL-%s, DATA-%s, RESP-%s" %(self.url, data_string, json_string))
return object['content']
def login(self):
data = self._request('login', {
"user": self.username,
"password": self.password
if not 'session_id' in data:
self.log.warn("Tiny Tiny RSS Error: failed to load session id.")
raise Exception("Tiny Tiny RSS Error: failed to load session id.")
self.sid = data['session_id']"Get session id %s" % self.sid)
def get_articles(self, urls, offset = 0, limit = 10):
id_list = []
data = {}
data['feed_id'] = -4 # all unread
data['limit'] = limit
data['offset'] = offset
data['show_content'] = True
data['view_mode'] = 'unread'
data['sanitize'] = False
feeds = self._request('getHeadlines', data)
for i in feeds:
if not i['feed_title'] in urls:
urls[i['feed_title']] = []
'title': i['title'],
'url': i['link'],
'date': i['updated'],
#'content': self.append_url(i['content'], i['link']),
'content': i['content'],
'description': i['excerpt'] if 'excerpt' in i else ''
id_list.append("%s" % i['id'])
read_data = {
"article_ids": ",".join(id_list),
"mode": 0,
"field": 2
if not self.test:
self._request('updateArticle', read_data)
return urls
def get_all_articles(self):
urls = {}
countLast = 0
while True:
counters = self._request('getCounters', {'mode': 'f'})
count = 0
for i in counters:
if i['id'] is -4:
count = i['counter']
if count < 1:
if countLast is count:
raise Exception("There's some error when marking read articles.")
countLast = count
urls = self.get_articles(urls)
if self.test:
return urls
def append_url(self, raw_html, url):
u = urllib.quote(url)
share_url = "" % (self.key, u)
qr_url = "|4&chl=%s" % u
append_html = u' ' % (qr_url, share_url, url)
raw_html = re.sub(r'(\</body\>|$)', r'%s\1' % append_html, raw_html, count=1)
return raw_html
class YueDu(BasicNewsRecipe):
title = u'TTRSS + Calibre'
__author__ = 'Mrwhale'
description = u'TTRSS + Calibre'
timefmt = '%Y-%m-%d %A'
needs_subscription = True
oldest_article = 256
max_articles_per_feed = 256
publication_type = 'newspaper'
compress_news_images = True
use_embedded_content = True
cover_url = ''
masthead_url = ''
def parse_index(self):
ttrss_url = "URL"
ttrss_username = "user"
ttrss_password = "pass"
ttrss_key = "WTF_IS_OK"
#(ttrss_url, ttrss_username, ttrss_key) = self.username.split(';')"Getting URL-%s, username-%s" % (ttrss_url, ttrss_username))
ttrss_password = self.password"Getting Password-%s******" % ttrss_password[:2])
ttrss = TClient(ttrss_url, ttrss_username, ttrss_password, self.log, ttrss_key, self.test)
urls = ttrss.get_all_articles()
index = []
for (key, value) in urls.iteritems():"Key:%s - length: %d" % (key, len(value)))
index.append((key, value))
return index